Matched Tumor Samples

A relatively simple schema for the analysis of matched tumor/normal samples from cancer studies. The assumed setting is as follows.

  • Each bio entity is a patient/donor.
  • Each donor gives one normal (bio) sample (e.g., blood or saliva) and at least one (bio) sample from the cancer (e.g., primary tumor or metastesis).
  • For each tumor and non-tumor sample, there is at least one DNA HTS library sequenced.
  • For each tumor sample, there can be RNA HTS libraries.
  • Only the first seen DNA/RNA library is considered for each sample (the “primary one”)


The requirement of one DNA HTS library for each sample and RNA only for tumor can be dropped in the future.

Matched Tumor Fields

The following fields must be present for matched tumor sample sheets.

  • BioSample
    • isTumor – a boolean defining whether the sample was taken from tumor cells

Matched Tumor TSV Schema

Additionally, there is an alternative to defining schemas in JSON format for matched tumor sample sheets. Instead, a TSV-based schema can be used.

Optionally, the schema can contain meta data, starting with [Metadata] INI-style section header (the data section has to start with [Data]).

schema          cancer_matched
schema_version  v1
title           Example matched cancer tumor/normal study
description     The study has two patients, P001 has one tumor sample, P002 has two


The schema and schema_version lines are optional.

If the file does not start with an INI-style section header, it starts with tab-separated column names. An example is shown below:

patientName sampleName  isTumor     libraryType     folderName
P001        N1          N           WES             P001-N1-DNA1-WES1
P001        T1          Y           WES             P001-T1-DNA1-WES1
P001        T1          Y           mRNA-seq        P001-T1-RNA1-mRNAseq1
P002        N1          N           WES             P001-N1-DNA1-WES1
P002        T1          Y           WES             P001-T1-DNA1-WES1
P002        T1          Y           WES             P001-T1-RNA1-RNAseq1
P002        T2          Y           WES             P001-T2-DNA1-WES1
P002        T2          Y           mRNA-seq        P001-T2-RNA1-mRNAseq1

They are as follows:

  1. patientName – name of the patient, used for identifying the patient in the sample sheet.
  2. sampleName – name of the sample, used for identifying the sample for the patient in the sample sheet (the combination of patient and sample must be unique in the sheet).
  3. isTumor – a flag identifying a sample as being from tumor, one of {Y, N, 1, 0}
  4. extractionType – a valid extraction type as in the JSON schema
  5. libraryType – a valid libraryType, as in the JSON schema
  6. folderName – a folder name to search the library’s FASTQ files for. A list of base folders to search for the folder names is given in the configuration, so no full path is given here.

Note that the name of the TestSample and and NGSLibrary entities are missing, they will be auto-generated based on the extractionType and libraryType.

Optionally, the following fields can be added:

  • seqPlatform can be one of Illumina and PacBio, default is Illumina